Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wrapping Up Paris at The Louvre

The Louvre is massive and one could easily spend several days there.  We decided to go with a local organization who offered scavenger hunts to make it a fun experience for the kids and keep it from being too overwhelming.  We met our guide who explained the set up and then left us on our own to divide and conquer.  We gave ourselves 2 and a half hours to find the different items and take selfies while looking for the extra-credit aspects.  We divided into groups of two and found this friendly competition to be a great way to see and learn about some of the great works as well as help us understand the layout of this large museum.  We reconvened for lunch and to tally our points and share our experiences.  In the end, Mom & G were the victors which earned them dessert choice for dinner! We all agreed this was so much fun that after lunch split up into groups of 4 to locate some of the pieces that we hadn’t found or that we wanted to study more. Again, our youngest son was probably the most enthusiastic to be seeing so many historical items that he’s learned about over the years and it was fun to watch him take it all in.  He even encouraged mom to sketch again as he really wanted to stop and draw a piece, dreaming what it would be like to be a great artist.

Posing like the 2 dogs at the bottom of the painting
Looking all academic studying art at the Louvre
Look who found the Mona Lisa!
G posing with Michelangelo's 'The Dying Slave'
G was SO excited to find The Code of Hammurabi & recited some of the laws he knew from memory
In front of the largest painting in The Louvre
Mom & G sharing a special moment sketching
Afterwards we returned to the apartment for some wine and cheese and swapping of pictures and technology items before we headed down the street for a farewell dinner as it was our last night with Nana and Papa. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a great idea! Didn't know such organization existed. So glad you enjoyed the Louvre in that way and that Tricia and Gannon got to sketch. Would love to see them.
