Monday, May 16, 2016

Wrapping Up Barcelona with Grandma & Grandpa

On Monday we set off for breakfast at La Boqueria market, but being that it was a Spanish holiday, most things were closed including the market! We then waited in line for our open air hop on hop off bus tour of the city.  Once a bus arrived that had room for all 8 of us (which took 3), we were able to secure seats up top and enjoy the sun as we drove to new areas of the city and learned a bit of history. We stopped for lunch and later wrapped up our tour with some gelato.   During this time, Dad was able to book our final necessary booking as he secured a rental car in London on his phone.  Being done with the major booking stuff is a massive relief and will hopefully help us enjoy the present a little more. 

Boys getting water from fountain on Las Ramblas
Open air bus tour of the city
Since there wasn't much open, we decided to return to our apartment for dinner.  Humorously, we were completely out of toilet paper so Mom and Grandpa went out to search for some, which wasn't the easiest of tasks being that nothing was open and the only place we found was a market that was owned by a foreigner, so it was open as he didn't observe the holiday.  One doesn't realize what truly is a necessity until it's unavailable!  Part of our dinner was was Grandma's raspberry jello salad, which was surprise and much missed food of the kids - again, thanks to Grandma for bringing odd food items in her suitcase!  G even commented that Grandma's jello is like heaven on earth!  We finished the day with a quiet night in watching a movie.
Grandma scores again with her famous raspberry jello!
On Friday Dad picked up our passports and we were thrilled to have everything in order again.   We set our for La Sagrada Familia where we were excited to learn more about it with an audio guide tour.  Again, we were in awe as we observed so many new aspects to this incredible structure that we hadn’t taken in during our visit a week ago.
Grandma, Grandpa and boys in front of the Glory facade
The column-like-palm-trees with bulbs in the middle before they branch out were designed to filter light like a forest.
The doors behind this figure of Christ being flogged are the
main doors on the Passion facade and have over 8000 letters telling
the gospels (which explain the images on this facade)
To the left of the figures of Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss is a
cryptogram whose numbers add up to 33, the age of Jesus at his death, in 310 ways
Passion facade: Veronica with the cloth of Jesus's face, and kneeling to the left
is John who recounted these events in his gospel
As a tribute to Gaudi, "John" is depicted with the face of Antoni Gaudi
Family in front of La Sagrada Familia
After the tour Grandma and Grandpa were super generous and surprised us by taking our family on a shopping spree at Nike!  After almost 10 months in the same clothes and shoes, things were a bit worn down and everyone was very excited for some replacements!
Look at these surprised faces!
Big smiles!  THANK YOU Grandma and Grandpa!
We wrapped up our last day walking along the cobblestone alleys towards the restaurant where we'd celebrated Dad's 40th birthday.  We enjoyed the food and atmosphere so much that we were returning for our farewell dinner, and little did Mom know, but also to celebrate her birthday as it will occur before we return to the States.
G&G wanted to celebrates Mom's bday (which isn't until July) since they won't be around - she was surprised to say the least :)
Beautiful buildings in the Gothic area
Messing around during a pit stop

We absolutely loved Barcelona and most of us wish we were staying a bit longer.  We were surprised to realize the Catalan distinction, and yet the unity of the people and their friendliness seemed promising that they are trying to honor their culture while taking strides forward.  It is understandable why many great artists are inspired by this city as their is so much art history visible by walking the streets observing the architecture to the many museums and plazas, all inspiring their own creativity.  The pace was slower, and once we adjusted to the almost mid-day starts and dinners until midnight, we really enjoyed this relaxed creative lifestyle.
Catalan flags hung from balconies around the city
Even the sidewalk tiles have elements of design that are reproduced on everything from souvenirs to bread loaves!  These are the famous 'Rose of Barcelona' whose original design came from a chocolatier!
We were so grateful that Grandma and Grandpa made the trip over to explore the city with us and create unforgettable memories!  Some of the highlights of our time together were:

  • Grandma: When the kids walked into the bakery and all ran over to give us hugs - I was just missing them and wanting their hugs.  It was also fun to be with everyone and see how much they've grown educationally & physically and it was fun to see what they get excited about, and was surprised the kids still get excited about fruit snacks!
  • Grandpa: It was so nice to be with the family, the kids were always considerate and it was good to see you and what you've learned.
  • Dad: It was reverse disappointment for me - Grandma finally had "instant" coffee with me today and I like to have morning coffee with someone and I'd bought some for her and she wasn't drinking it :).
  • Mom: The excitement of pulling off the surprise visit in the cafe along with the surprises Grandma and Grandpa had for the kids during their stay.
  • C: Day to day was more relaxed and the slower pace was nice, but my favorite was the taxi rides and places where we arrived first where it was just me and one brother with Grandma and Grandpa because it was quieter.
  • CB: Seeing Grandma and Grandpa and slowing down along with riding bikes and hover boards along the boardwalk.
  • G: It's been nice having them here.
  • SJ: Going to the Disney store!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Love the Nike store pictures. Know that isn't Barcelona but the kids look so happy
