
We have homeschooled our kids in some fashion for the last 6 years.  However, going on the road with one backpack each prohibits us from lugging around textbooks and resources we have come to appreciate.  It has been a chore to transition our schooling to be almost fully digital; however we are grateful to live in a digital age that allows us to travel and still have access to such wonderful education.  We have found OneNote to be a great program to use for all of our notebook purposes, from working out math exercises to drawing maps. The following is an overview of our 'ideal' education layout; however these are not set in stone as we do not desire to have ourselves stressing about schoolwork but instead recording details and expanding our minds with the education we are living out every day as we travel and interact with others around the world.

We are using the following apps and resources:


After much searching for the right math program, we think we have found the best option for our family.  There are lots of great iPad products and tutorial services out there but we really wanted something that did not require the Internet at all times because we know that will not always have it. Additionally it would be nice for kids to be able to work on this while on planes, trains, buses, etc. when Internet not available as math is a subject that they need to keep up to date with. Links below provide better info if interested.

iTunes link


We have homeschooled and been part of a Classical Conversations co-op for several years.  We have been very happy with their Essentials grammar program and are using some of the resources for that as the spine to our language arts.  We are supporting this with the following apps:

Itooch Language Arts (grade specific)  This assists our grammar program with instructional videos and quizzes 

IXL English (grade specific)  This assists our grammar program with graded practice examples

Sengram  This assists our grammar program for diagramming sentences

For writing the kids are required to write paragraphs about locations that we visit using elements from the Institute for Excellence in Writing program we've studied through homeschooling. Sometimes these paragraphs are posted on their blogs, which is another outlet for them to practice writing.  The older boys are working on incorporating some of the Lost Tools of Writing elements as they build stronger writing skills.  Each boy is also working on a creative writing project and has a personal journal that they keep.

Spelling City We follow along with our spelling groups at our school in the United States as we are able.


We've created a media list for Kindle books, audiobooks, and movies to learn about history and culture according to locations.  This list is not complete and the countries listed on it are not necessarily places we will end up visiting.  The format of the document isn't great, but if it helps others to have a resource to follow along with us or share a resource we don't have listed, then we all benefit!  We are very open to any suggestions our readers might have!


The kids draw continent maps each week based on the continent we are traveling at that time.  They also draw one detailed country map according to the country we are traveling in.  We use the following apps to help us do this:

Atlas 2015 Free

Google Earth

World Atlas HD

Your World  a unique puzzle game to help place continents


SPQR Bundle  The kids spend time playing games from this app purchase several times a week to keep up with their Latin and learn more.


Duolingo  We have used this app prior to and in addition to our Spanish lessons in Antigua.


Brain Pop  To assist with extra culture, science, history, geography, famous people, and interesting things to know, the kids have several required videos to watch based on location and then have an extra number of fun videos to watch each week.  Each video is followed by a quiz and the kids have enjoyed the variety of subjects.

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