1) What exactly are you doing? 
We are jumping off the treadmill and taking an adventure. We plan to circle the globe over a one year period, traveling slow, using the world as our classroom, and putting unusual experiences in front of traditional life.

2) Why are you doing this?
Lots and lots of reasons but a few on the list include:
  • We love travel
  • We desire to spend time together and grow as a family
  • Too much time in America is spent doing things that do not really matter
  • Because we can
  • We seek to see more of God's creation
  • Desire to live simply
  • Meeting new people and engaging in other cultures so that we can appreciate difference in a more tangible way
  • It is our oldest son's 8th grade year which is the last of the easiest years to do this
3) What about school?
We plan "worldschool" - yes it is a thing. It is basically homeschooling but while you travel. We already have over 5 years of homeschooling under our belt so this is actually one of the less daunting aspects of the trip for us.

4) How will you pay for this?
We have been very blessed and will dip into savings for the trip, but we actually expect that we will spend less doing this than we spend living our day to day lives in America. Yes, you read that right. Possible for two reasons: 1) America is expensive: gas, utilities, phones, cable, eating out, etc. all up over the course of the year, 2) We are mostly going to be in lower cost places where money can stretch further, and 3) We will drastically simplify our lifestyle. Additionally, we will generate income by renting our house and managing investments.

5) Where will you go? 
Itinerary here

6) Is this a mid-life crisis?
This is a good question and fair one to ask. Took a bit of searching and pondering on our end to contemplate for sure. The short answer is no. Some one else coined the phrase "mid-life opportunity" and I like that personally. The reality is we are very content with our life - perhaps too content. We are very blessed and we know it. I love my job and find satisfaction in my work, so no, it is not a crisis. It's a window that is only briefly open and rather than looking out and wishing were there but afraid to go, we are jumping through. 


  1. Safe travels and best wishes on this adventure!! God bless!!

  2. Hello Matt, Chris Simenson here. Do you remember me? From the old days at PEC. Your dad and I corresponded recently and after seeing his name I asked him if you were related. He sent me a nice note including your blog address. What an adventure. Stay safe out there. I have traveled quite a bit myself (37 countries and counting). Not everything goes as planned, but then again you know that or are finding it out as you go. Thanks for the travel and accommodation websites. I was unaware that you could circumnavigate the world so economically. How have the connections and seating worked out for you so far?

    Take care. I will be following you guys.

