Friday, May 20, 2016

Welcome to Paris!

We were allowed on the train to Paris but forced to purchase new tickets and told we should be reimbursed once in Paris at the station.  This was frustrating as we'd originally been told several weeks ago that our names would be on a list of passengers and we shouldn't have a problem.  But there was no list and we were stuck.  We didn't really have an option as the train was sold out as was the following train, so we just needed to get to Paris.  We came to learn that a previous train had been cancelled, and this caused confusion as some people (including us) had seats that were double assigned.  Thankfully everyone was very nice and once we were a ways out of Paris, we were told we could move to a section where we could all sit together for the remainder of the trip, which was nice as we'd planned on getting some school and work done on the 6.5 hour trip.  Of course, once we arrived in Paris, we were told that our tickets would not be reimbursed, so we will have to see what insurance can do there....Not a cheap or relaxing exercise.

Around 7pm, after finding SIM cards and hassling with the ticket office, we settled into our apartment, which was cozy and on a bustling street with cafes and markets.  We grabbed a pizza nearby and returned to go to bed.  However Mom stayed up late watching Midnight in Paris and absolutely loved this quirky movie about the city and many well known artists who've passed through it!

The next morning Mom had made plans to meet a friend of a friend at her studio for a work-out class, so she set out for the other side of the city and enjoyed the morning to herself.  It was great to work up a sweat and afterwards she and the owner went for lunch and had a fabulous conversation about the kingdom and all that God's doing in their lives, it was a refreshing and inspiring connection and a treat for her to get some time with another female.

Meanwhile Dad and the kids connected with Nana & Papa, who had just flown in, and were out to find some food and purchase "the museum pass" which grants access to almost all the Paris museums. It can be purchased in a 2, 4 or 6 day version.  Getting that done, we headed off to the Army Museum.

Kids with Nana & Papa at the Army Museum
Mom met up with everyone at the Army Museum where the boys were in awe of the cannons, knights, artillery and many items on display.  We learned about different aspects of the wars France has been involved in, how flint transfers to fire, and saw the tomb where Napoleon is buried.  Our youngest son was inspired to plan armor for a future battle, and his creative mind started focusing on this.
Look!  They even had armor for children!
G on a cannon, which is how he's been known to introduce himself to people on this trip!
Group photo in front of Napoleon's tomb
Our next stop was Rodin's museum and gardens.  We intended to just stop by for a quick photo shoot with The Thinker, but were drawn into the museum where our youngest son upon seeing the sculpture of The Kiss became absolutely enthralled with almost everything art.  The following day he reflected, "The Kiss is the first sculpture I really appreciated as art, I could've stared at in for an hour, it's like it freezes time and kinda' makes me want to hug it - the elegance of the man resting his hand on the woman's thigh seems like it's floating, it's so tender." - Yes, that description came from a 10 year old boy!  Meanwhile our 4 year old daughter, at an art museum for the first time where she's old enough to be aware of what she's seeing, commented that, "They are not modest....  Every time I look away they are still there!" While some maybe enjoyed the museum more than others, we found ways to keep ourselves entertained by trying to imitate poses of some of the sculptures, which is a great way to keep art exciting for young ones!
Definitely some serious "Thinkers"

Having some fun in front of Rodin's 'The Kiss' statue
Mom & G duplicating Rodin's sculpture of hands
Caught trying to imitate poses of the sculptures in the display case!
G in front of Rodin's statue of Victor Hugo
Everyone was tired (we walked over ten miles this day) and museum-ed out.  We returned to the area we were staying in and enjoyed a wonderful Thai dinner and were able to catch up with Nana and Papa and share stories of our time in Thailand as well as some of our favorite foods with them.


  1. I enjoy your posts so much, Tricia. Thank you for capturing your days in photos for all of us to see!

  2. Awesome city, pictures and story of your day. :)

  3. Awesome comments from G! I believe beautiful art is inspired by God creator of all things. He made us in his image and imparted to man some of his creative nature. Beautiful inspired art is like a feel of heaven.

  4. Awesome comments from G! I believe beautiful art is inspired by God creator of all things. He made us in his image and imparted to man some of his creative nature. Beautiful inspired art is like a feel of heaven.
