Monday, February 23, 2015

One Step closer

Today I told my two CEOs (yes I have two) of our plans. I am a partner at my firm and it was not easy. Part of me feels guilty as if I'm letting down the team. At the same point, I know my allegiance is to my family first and I have to take advantage of this unique opportunity. But, it's still hard. We are small firm and I have a very open relationship with both of them. They are as much friends as they are bosses. I consider myself very, very blessed to have the job that I have. Not only do I love what I do but I get to do it in a way that fits me well. The job front has been one of the most difficult parts of this decision. I remind myself though that no one ever heard of someone on their death bed wishing they had worked more. Time with family and experiences are what ultimately matters and this is where we feel called.

The meeting was quite short because of other commitments but overall it went as well as could be expected. They were obviously shocked and disappointed. They know me and where my heart is at and they get me. Most importantly, emotions did not blow up. A win for me as much as them.

No telling at this point how it will turn it out as they will need time to process, which is completely understandable. I have come to grips with that reality and decided this is worth the risk. Scary? Yes. Nerve racking? For sure. Relieved? Some. Having this step out of the way opens doors to move forward and that is exciting. My kids want to tell their friends but have not been allowed until this conversation took place because I did not want them hearing through the grapevine. I still need to get in front of one more partner before they can though. This part has been hard on the boys and prevented them from their own version of processing. Soon they get to spread the word to their pals, which I know from experience, just saying it out loud, brings the whole thing to another level.

One step closer to a crazy dream.

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