Tuesday, April 19, 2016

When God calls an audible

Often times when life events happen that require action on our part, the desire to be passive or make excuses must be fought. Last week was one such event as the health of our friend Ray's dad, Bob, began sliding rapidly.  This was an event that we knew was possible during this trip and something that we left the States planning to act upon should it be in our power.  While we were in Swaziland, we wondered if the time had come and we were ready to jump because Joberg is an easy airport and we were more or less scheduled to be in one place for 3 weeks.  But God was not calling Bob just then.  While we were in Marrakech, we were in communication with Ray and though he didn't outright say that the time is here, we know him well enough to tell. What are we called to do when our presence is needed and we are half way around the world?  You move quick is our answer.

Sometimes God calls an audible and changes plans.  We all know the chaos felt when this occurs and sometimes we ignore the call.  Usually though, we then find pain, regret, and sorrow down the road for not doing what we knew was right.  To an extent this year out of our comfort zone is partly a product of such thinking.

By God's amazing grace, Dad got home on Tuesday afternoon and that evening was able to see Bob and have a short conversation.  Bob smiled and bellowed, "Matt, you came a long way!"  It would be one of his last conversation as he passed away Thursday morning at 5:15AM.  Bob was a man of integrity, devoted to his heavenly father and his family.  His family rallied together in ways that few do and did their best to care for Bob in his final moments.  It was enlightening for us to witness and be a part of, even Mom and the kids from a distance.  Bob will always be remembered for his unbelievably positive attitude and great sense of humor.  He will be missed. Ultimately a lovely service was commenced that was worthy of Bob's memory and friends and family rallied around Ray and his family, and it is not something we would've missed for the world as being with our friend in his time of grieving gave us an opportunity to minister to him as well as to be present and just BE with him during a major life event.

For Dad to be "sort of" home was a surreal out-of-body experience. To return without the family in tow just didn't quite feel right and staying next door to our own house but not really going in (except to grab a few requested items) was just not natural.  But by being home alone it allowed for him to support Ray in unique way as that was the only objective for him being in the States. Ray's family treated Dad as one of their own and it was healing for everyone.  Some made a big deal out of the 35 hour journey it took to get home, but this, in our mind, was not the story. This story is not about us, but about reflecting God's love and the friendship we have received over the years from Ray and his family.  We know, without a doubt, were the situation reversed, the effort would be replicated, and this is what it means to be the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-26).

There are times in life when curve balls get thrown our way. We have to choose if we stand there or swing.  This was not a difficult call on our part but it stretched everyone.  The blessing was that our logistics were all set but the difficulty was that our plans had us on the move more than anytime since staying the campervan (ah, what memories).  Mom and the kids had a move within Morocco and then a move from Morocco to Spain which alone required: a taxi, sleeper train, taxi, ferry, bus, and another train. After then there was another move in Spain before Dad would reconnect.  Mom and kids did it without a hitch! God protected us all and confirmed over and over again that we were all right where He wanted us during this time.  Dad was in the USA for 3 hours short of 7 days and able to comfort our friend and be with his family.  Certainly Mom and kids would have liked to be there to support Ray and his family but this is the best we could do, and last minute plane tickets, tricky logistics and family dynamics all came together beautifully.

God is so very good and we appreciate all of you who were praying for us and Ray's family during this time.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful sample of true Christian love you all are! it would have been so easy and logical to find a reason not to go through with it. I man, leaving your wife and kids alone on the other side of the world, does sound pretty crazy. But you did what you felt was the loving thing to do, in spite of it all. May God richly bless you!
