Saturday, April 16, 2016

Marrakesh: Welcome to the Medina!

We took two trains from El Jadida to Marakesh and arrived late afternoon.  Our Airbnb hosts showed us to our apartment on the fifth story of an apartment building and then invited us to have tea with them in their apartment on the main floor of the building.  We enjoyed visiting with them and learning a bit about their lives.  Then we headed to Jamma el Fnaa to check out the much raved about medina area, which is a maze of shops with everything from ceramics, to art, juices, seafood, herbs, and rugs along with snake charmers, night entertainment, and food.  Our first impression as we walked towards this sea of people was that it was very overwhelming.  We quickly learned that in order to see a snake charmer or any of the entertainment you were expected to pay.  We walked around the medina a bit, found a place to eat, and called it a night.  Unfortunately, mom and dad realized that while our apartment had a great set-up, the master bed was harder than sleeping on a piece of wood.  In fact, at one point dad woke up and the area below his ribs was asleep, and one night mom woke up thinking her head had been badly sunburned it hurt so bad, only to move and realize it was just from the hard mattress (yes, we checked several times and it was a mattress and not wood).
Entering Jamaa el Fnaa area
Fresh squeezed juice at the medina
Snake charmer
Boys dressing in cultural attire at the medina

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