Sunday, March 6, 2016

Final Week in Swaziland

Returning to Swaziland was a bit like coming home as it's been the most stable thing we've returned to as we've moved around the last 7 months.  We were excited to be back in community but also struggling as we only had 5 full days in the area to fit in so many meetings with new friends and service things that we wanted to make happen before we left.  We knew the time remaining in this country was going to be full and fly by quickly and we weren't sure we were ready to move on quite yet.

We attended church at the Swaziland campus for our final time this trip.  It was the celebration of their 3rd year as a church, so that was exciting!  Afterwards we took all of the kids out to lunch at Malendelas while Krista and Stephen helped a woman and her seizing daughter get situated at the local hospital.  The kids had a blast running around the open fields, in the sugar cane and coming up with games to play.  Krista and Stephen joined us later and dropped mom and all the boys and SJ off at the guesthouse.  Dad returned to church and lead a small group on some basic entrepreneur thoughts and skills which was an open forum on starting and running small businesses. It was a great reminder just how much we take basic education for granted. 
This is what boy fun looks like!
That evening two couples arrived to check out Children’s Cup and RVC for a few days.  The one couple was from MN and their friends were from CA.  We weren’t exactly sure how the week was going to play out, but we really enjoyed having these couples to hang out with and get to laugh, interact, and serve with.

Monday we all went to the monthly Leadership Training program, which is a training day that Children’s Cup hosts monthly for the care point teachers.  We’ve been really impressed with the way Children’s Cup equips the adults involved with the carepoints!  We introduced ourselves and Mom and the kids helped the cooks make breakfast for everyone while Dad gave a word of encouragement to the attendees.

Afterwards we took a break to make some much needed travel plans for our upcoming weeks and then we had lunch at Nandos.  We met up with the other couples at Zinty and Lue’s community center and got to work cleaning the place out for their first meeting that night.  The place was really dirty, so it was easy to see big progress with everyone chipping in to help.  There is wonderful potential for this building and its location, so it was a treat to be part of the beginning stages of this new opportunity.
We love Nando's peri peri!
G sweeping away debris
Cleaning out inside the community center
Oldest mopping the old kitchen floor
SJ doing her part to beautify things!
Monday night we went out to dinner with the other couples, referred to as the Browman 4 – and of course the place we took them to was closed on Mondays only!  So we ended up back at Malendelas for a great night of conversation.

Tuesday was our family day and we’d been looking forward to doing some hiking in the local area, so we headed to the Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary to hike Execution Mountain.  The story goes that years ago it would be decided if someone was guilty or not based on if the person could survive being thrown off Execution Mountain – if they die they were guilty and if they lived they were innocent.  None of the locals we met believe the legend though.  Anyway, it was supposed to be a basic hike amongst some African wildlife, so we were excited.  Unfortunately we somehow parked in the wrong area and instead of taking the trail, took a road up.  We realized when we summitted that we were not on Execution Mountain so after studying the map awhile Dad figured out what had happened.  We took the ridge trail over to Execution Mountain and then hiked up to the top.  We figured this allowed us to now take the trail back to our van, but little did we know “trail” meant bush and weeds taller than us basically covering the entire trail!  This way was not any faster and by now the hike had taken double what we’d planned for and we were pretty much out of water and Mom’s shoulders were fried.  Another awesome excursion, but needless to say we were so relieved when we finally spotted the van!

Tuesday afternoon we met with Mduduzi again and then that evening we went to dinner at Carol’s house and got to meet some another missionaries from the States and a couple from Wales who recently had twins.  The kids had a great time learning some new games and challenges and we’ve been so blessed with how warm and welcoming everyone we met has been towards our family despite the chaos we bring anywhere we go.

Not the peak we aimed to reach, but a great view nonetheless!
We finally did it!  Our family on top of Execution Mountain!
Witnessing the "Great White Butterfly Migration" back to Madagascar
The hike down on the path
Just hangin' with some zebras!
Fun dinner at Carol's house!
Wednesday we did school in the morning, met with Mduduzi for awhile and then headed to the nearby carepoint for kid’s club and feeding.  Wednesday night Krista and Stephen had our family and the Browman 4 over for dinner and we had great fun sharing stories and experiences.  The boys had a sleepover at our guesthouse and unfortunately left the window open in their room so didn’t sleep much as they were joined by many mosquitos!

Our Swaziland Crew
SJ and her new friends!
Playing more Monopoly Deal!
On Thursday morning Dad met with Mduduzi one last time and we said goodbye to the Browman group.  Then our family headed to meet Krista, Stephen and family at KFC.  We are not fast food people and wouldn’t typically eat KFC back in the States but had been told to save it and keep an open mind.  Unfortunately on the way there Dad was pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign that was not clearly marked and that none of the cars after us stopped at either.  The ticket was about $5 and makes for a good story at least. We made it to KFC and were pleasantly surprised at our delicious lunch!  Then we headed to a couple of the care points that their family oversees.  It was fun to visit the care points as families and to get some of the background of these sites and kids.  We were able to do a home visit to a family and bring them some basic food supplies.  This mom had worked at a carepoint until her child got sick and eventually passed away.  It was the youngest of her 6 children and her husband had just recently found some promising employment opportunities and she tried to make a living selling fruit, vegetables, and goats.  We visited with her and prayed for her and then drove her son back to the care point.  We also were able to meet our sponsor children and were so blessed with the way that God lined them up with each of our children just perfectly.
Dad waiting for a ticket

G & Avery playing with kids at Care Points
Teaching SJ some fun hand-clapping games!
G learns new skills from this buddy
Family Home Visit
It is blessed to be a blessing!
Thursday evening the kids had a Mac&Cheese and Full House-marathon while us adults snuck out for a date night – what a treat!  It has been a true gift to get to know this amazing family and see how God has used them in incredible ways!  We realize the importance of having family friends as it has been so long since we’ve hung out with an entire family that we enjoy, and our time in Swaziland has been made so much more rich because of these new friends.

Our next day begins the journey from Swaziland to Egypt. 
Our rooms at Emafini
G & Bobby Justice - our night guard (note Bobby is a term like Mr., not his first name)

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