Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Goodbye Guatemala

Yesterday was our last day in Guatemala and we ventured over to another little town called San Marcos which is very small and quint and known as sort of a spiritual hippie town. We didn't do much beside walk around and have lunch but it was neat to see another distinctive location around Lake Atitlan. San Macros is much smaller than San Pedros and certainly felt more laid back. Truly wish we had more time to explore the lake and the other Lagunas more but perhaps another time.

We have spent 26 full days in Guatemala and have loved each one. The people here have been wonderful and willing to help at any request. We never once felt the least unsafe or threatened. The food has been great and, for the most part, we remained healthy, which is quite a feat during the first month based on others experience. We got cell phones working and were able to navigate our three locations with no major hitches. We do miss being able to turn on the faucet and drink or actually being able to throw your toilet paper in the toilet (have to put in trash here if you didn't know because their plumbing can't handle paper) and certainly our own beds, but the experiences we have gained here will remain with us for a lifetime.

We leave today for a long journey to get to Ecuador. We used miles to book the tickets so it's not the most direct route. It will take almost 22 hours in total due to our location and layovers. It's been great being in one country for almost a month and we are excited (and a little uneasy) as we consider our next month which is much more complicated with flights, boats, layovers and unique aspects of our plans.

All in all though we feel ready to move on and while we could easily spend more time here, we feel content.

Thank you Guatemala - I'm sure we will return someday!

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