Wednesday, May 27, 2015

More Plane Tickets

Today, we booked the next round of tickets which take us from L.A. to New Zealand to Australia to Thailand. Goal is to try to have our flights booked roughly 6 months out because getting 6 plane tickets is not always easy. This round proved easier than our first though and, for the most part, our flight times are easier to deal with - no 5AM flights. We again used airtreks to purchase as they proved cheaper than booking stand alone tickets.

Lots of planning and research yet to do but having some bookmarks in place certainly helps reduce are variables, which is nice. We will connect with Grandpa & Grandma in L.A. for a few days and then spend roughly 7 weeks in New Zealand, 3 weeks in Australia and a yet to be determined amount of time in SE Asia. While in Australia, we will connect with Nana & Papa for a few days who will be on their own adventure. We have a ticket from Australia to Bangkok (which is 10 hours of flight time!) but nothing booked out of SE Asia yet. Currently, we are thinking we will spend about two months in Thailand, Cambodia and potentially other neighboring countries. This would take us to mid-February so we have a little time to figure that out.

Exciting to make forward progress!

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