Sunday, March 15, 2015

Whats Our Why?

This post could be a chapter. Our desire to do this trip, in some ways, stems all the way back to our first date, getting engaged, traveling Europe together after college and desire to raise our kids overseas for a stint. As life choices progressed, that option was never a reality. That was over 16 years ago - time does fly! But the more recent list of our whys includes the following:

  • Shape our kid's worldview:
    • Our job is not swoop in and "save the day" as so many try to do but rather cultivate long term relationships. Working along side another culture and assisting them in the way they request allows for worldviews to collide and this is how real transformation can occur.
    • The church and body of Christ is at work and on the move constantly and we all have a role to play
    •  Learn to effectively bless the people we meet - this is harder than it sounds 
    • Short term service is just one piece of a larger undertaking
  • Show the kids the world beyond our suburbs - the ability to travel the globe so easily now creates a responsibility for those with the means to do so for both us and them.
  • Simply because it is possible
  • Spend time together
  • We know we will regret not doing it and now is our window of opportunity. Walking by the window is just not an option
  • Love of adventures
  • To teach the kids first hand that joy is not found in our stuff and accumulation but rather family and experiences and memories
  • See new cultures and learn that our way is not the only way. 
    • Goal here is to soften hearts and open minds to accept others for who they are as opposed to rejecting them for their differences.
  • Truly connect with our kids
  • Learn that places, faces, food may be different but our God is the same and loves all people
  • Experience true service as we seek out opportunities not being tied to busy schedules
  • Unplug from the treadmill that is American life - almost everyone we know identifies with this on some level.
  • Cultivate long term relationships that we can we hope we can maintain for years to come. We obviously cant do this everywhere we go, but we hope to make a few lasting connections along the way. 
  • Truly gain hands-on education. One thing to read about history in a book and a whole different experience to be physically present and see it while learning first hand.

1 comment:

  1. I am an awe of your journey ahead and a little jealous. Good luck and have fun making memories!
