Sunday, June 5, 2016


The rain in the Loire Valley continued along with the flooding and cold weather.  Tony and Sally, the people whose guesthouse we were staying in, told us that we had to visit Montresor as it was a Polish-owned Renaissance castle that had been in Tony's family since the mid 1800s.  Immediately upon entering this castle the boys were in awe of all of the hunting paraphernalia and animals that decorated it.  We enjoyed touring and learning more about the history and decor of this beautiful castle.
Oldest son admiring the guns & game in the castle foyer
Amazing animals and hunting gear in the dining room
Dancing with the princess
Afterwards we walked around the small village, which is actually listed as one of the 'Most beautiful villages in France' an award given to French villages that share a passion and ambition to promote and recognize the quality of their heritage, history, culture and desire to conserve their individuality and authenticity. We'd been told to make sure we check out the area along the Indrois River; however it was mostly flooded, so we did our best to walk along the area and imagine what it would be like on a dry sunny day.
Montresor, one of France's Most Beautiful Villages
So sweet among the beautiful roses that were abundant in the village
The calla llilies were as large as her face!
Leaping across the footbridge in front of Montresor Castle
Standing on a bridge built by the same workshop that made the Eiffel Tower
Purchased 3 regional pastries to sample at this cute Patisserie

We enjoyed a late lunch and returned to our accommodations where we watched Field of Dreams and confirmed that Mom truly is on the cutting room floor in Hollywood somewhere, and that we all agreed the movie wasn't very good (the boys might it verbalize a bit more aggressively).  We'd purchased three local French deserts that we'd picked up in Montresor and sampled during the movie - all agreeing that the eclair-like one was our favorite.


  1. Love the photo of princess SJ with the roses and the one of G hopping over the Brook. Amazing photography!

  2. Just not sure it was G though...

  3. Just not sure it was G though...

  4. Love the photo of princess SJ with the roses and the one of G hopping over the Brook. Amazing photography!
