Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Month of Trials and Finals

July has been a whirlwind and not remotely the month we hoped for, but virtually everyone who has walked this path before us has said that the final month is the craziest. There are too many details, too many good byes, and too many to-dos. We have hosted and then hosted more as we have said final good byes to family and friends, hosted our annual 4th of July gathering, and celebrated birthdays. The boys closed out their soccer seasons with intensity and lots of emotion. This month alone is a good barometer of why we need to do this. We are ready!

We have been run through the ringer trying to monetize our house and find the right tenant that balances the multi-faceted goals we desire. We would obviously love to be paid a market rate for the asset but we also need the right type of people who will care for and use it for the purpose which we built it. That combination proved difficult to find. We have certainly met a string of interesting characters to say the least. Several were more interested in buying the home than renting, we have been offered a RV title as collateral, and had two deals fall apart in the last week. We pulled the plug on Thursday deciding that the later of the two goals was more important. We could have gotten real money but would not have had peace about it and we were not on the same page - which in our marriage means we punt. This family is a great couple who are the parents of some friends of ours and we have many common friends (though we have yet to actually meet our new renters- yeah crazy right?). We initially spoke months ago about the possibility, and like many decisions in life we had to walk the right path to get to God's destination. It's a peace-of-mind move and makes our last few days here much easier. We are blessed and excited for the home to bless their family. They will care for it like it's theirs, as well as assist us with anything we might need along the way. Can't fully articulate how it feels to have that heavy burden off our shoulders. It was a difficult journey but one we (I really) had to try.

Last night a friend threw us a going away party in style and it was a great evening with many dear friends. Can't thank him enough. The reality of seeing friends and family for the last time in a year is setting in - it is bittersweet and humbling, making us appreciate the importance of relationships while acknowledging the gift and reality of the opportunity we have ahead of us, not only for how it will impact the 6 of us, but for the impact it will have on our community of support.

Today is our 17th Anniversary and its been an amazing ride so far with the best still ahead of us. 

1 comment:

  1. Departure minus four hours. Praying for an awesome experience for your entire family
