Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Purging, Giving, and Selling

A few weeks ago.... 

Anything that we are not taking on our journey (which isn't much - see previous post) must be packed and stored. One of our desires in this trip to live more simply and that means purging "stuff". It is pretty amazing how fast we can accumulate things and how quickly we lose interest in that item that we just had to have. The last few weeks we have been moving things into several different piles: stuff to give away, stuff to box now, important stuff to keep at a friends, stuff for garage sale, and stuff we still need daily. The garage sale stuff piles seems to have grown exponentially as we continually reevaluate what we want vs. need. Additionally, I think that the shear pain of boxing has limited our desire to pack it away. After packing a few boxes, it gets easier to just say, forget this, I don't need it! The two pictures below are garage sale junk from round one of the purge. Wish I had taken pictures of the piles that followed these two because they only got bigger.

Below is a pick of half of the garage sale stuff all very neatly organized by mom extraordinaire who slept very little for a few days straight. When it comes to getting tasks completed, she is a machine.

After two days of selling stuff, we are amazed to say, we made more than double high end hopes. Our plan is bless others with this money on our trip when we feel appropriate. Mostly the idea is for the kids to look for opportunities to stretch these dollars and multiply their value for God's kingdom. Will be fun to see how they are used.

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